Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Those Indiana Winters - Times To Remember

Indiana winters could be brutal.  January and February were 2 months we just knew we'd be
snowed in or iced in for a couple of weeks.  The cold was bitter and it lasted a long time.
Everything froze up.

March and April could be a continuance of winter or it could decide to show a sign of spring.
 After Christmas vacation, school was forever with no breaks.. and January was just a plain
 ole' dread for me. February was at least after January.  I used to watch golf on the TV just
 to see green grass somewhere... and short sleeves still worn.. somewhere.

My grandmother said one year when she was younger, it snowed every month but July in
 Indiana that year.  One long winter.   We had the annual reunion the 3rd Sunday in June...
 on Father's Day.. and one year it was so cold they lit a fire in the old round stove in that
cabin at the park.  It was rainy and cold.. no fun for kids that year.

But spring was bound to come one day.

We got out of school in mid April for the summer... A long 3 1/2  months with no breaks
 from January to April.. except all of the school walked to the local church for Good Friday
 Services.  I guess the kids today are not allowed to go to church when school is in session.
  Sad too... it didn't hurt anyone to attend the Good Friday Services and school officials
 thought it would be a good influence.   Atheists would not have had a chance with the
principal we had back then.  The school board was local persons... no government telling
 anyone what to do.  If you got in trouble at school, you'd get in trouble when you got home.

We'd go sledding down the big road hill... within an hour, I'd be wet and so cold I felt
 miserable.  I'd be ready to go home, thaw out... and warm up.  Hot chocolate tasted real
good while warming by the fire.  It was good to go home... it always was.

Today I live in the south.. where the seasons still come around.. but the winters are shorter...
 and less severe.  Further south is where it is summer all year... but I still like the seasons....
until January... then it would be nice to spend a month in Florida.

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