Thursday, February 21, 2019

There Were Times To Remember - Continues

There Were Times to Remember - Continues
It's almost Christmas, 2011.  That date would have sounded eerily futuristic when I was a little
girl way back when.   But those years have passed all too quickly and here we are... in realville.

I remember Christmas in the "too many years ago" .... we got electricity in our home when I was
 around 10 or so.  That meant come Christmas, we could have real lights on our tree.  The tree
 was real....just a small 5 foot tree.... and with real lights.   So basic, so unfettered, and
so memorable.

I'd asked for a doll every year and every year I got a doll.  There wasn't any TV showing
commercials of toys and whatnot  to taint my wishes or put ideas in my head of something
that didn't do what it said it would do.  Our ideas came out of our head ... just a doll.  One year
 I got a ruby necklace and ring. Ruby was my birthstone ... the red set was in the shape of a
turtle's back.  I loved that necklace and ring. I hadn't even thought of asking for it ... and it was
 the exact thing I really liked so much.  I caught that ring on a door at school one time....bent it
.... but I straightened it out best I could and kept wearing it.

Christmas was usually accompanied with snow and cold.... lots of snow, in fact.  It was really
pretty to look outside and see everything covered with snow... even more delightful to watch it
coming down.  Soft, white, quiet snow... and Christmas.  Perfect!

Which takes me to the hill and sledding in that snow and ice.  We had a hill on the road just
south of the intersection.  Everyone slid on that hill.  It was a long hill.... a long slide... a long
uphill climb.  All the town kids would be there.  We got wet and we got cold.  I'd come home
wet to the bone... and cold to the bone. Many times the temperatures would be around zero
... and that is cold!!   My feet would be frozen... stiff...and hands too.   All bundled up with coats,
 leggings, shoes, boots, toboggan... and frozen to the bone. After it became unbearable and
no limb was movable...  I'd go home and get all the wet clothes off... lay them by the stove...
get some dry clothes on... and be so thankful for my home and that warm heating stove.
Time for a cup of hot cocoa and settle down on the sofa.

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